Like any business, our clients are the backbone of our success – both those here in Australia and those far away in expat hubs around the world. But their loyalty is by no means a given. Instead, it’s a direct reflection of the work we put into ensuring our client experiences go above and beyond what has long been the norm in the property industry.

As with many aspects of the traditional real estate model, we see that the old way of approaching customer service is effectively broken. Now, people are looking for genuine interactions with genuine people who tell them the truth and don’t force them into anything. This is especially important since many of our clients aren’t on the ground in Australia to physically be part of their property journey. They’re making big emotional decisions and relying on us to guide them through the process. 

It’s for this reason that we’ve instilled a number of core values in the way we approach clients, whether they be prospective, new or old. These values are based on our desire to differentiate ourselves from the shiny, salesy approach often associated with the real estate industry, and instead build a foundation of trust and honesty. 

At Milk Chocolate we are authentic, not disingenuous. We’re credible and trustworthy. We’re our client's friend, not simply their property advisors. We’re subject-matter experts across real estate, construction, design, technology, economics and investing who present a candid, no BS approach to property investment, purchasing, building and management. We look for sustainable, long-term success in the property market that’s backed by robust research and data, rather than offer our clients quick financial wins. And, we make sure this is front and centre in all our communications and client experiences.

We also maintain full transparency across every part of the property journey. Whether a client is buying, selling, renovating or building, we ensure they’re completely across the ins and outs of the process. To do this, we’re effectively on 24/7, working with our clients through platforms like WhatsApp so we can communicate with them quickly and in real time. 

As well, we’ve invested a lot in customer service and client management to enhance our clients’ interaction with our business. We’ve developed a platform where each client can log in to their personalised portal, communicate with our team directly, and receive live updates on their property. We’re building automation tools that will speed up many of our client experiences and make them more seamless. Lastly, we’ve hired a full-time Project Lead to ensure all of our client experiences are seen to as efficiently as possible from start to finish.

In the years to come, we intend for every experience across Milk Chocolate to be a consistent one that stands apart from the conventional way the real estate and construction industry works. We hope that our authentic customer service offering is part of what distinguishes our business and is the primary reason we continue to flourish.

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